Flash Report of OAG's Exhibitions - September 2023 Edition

 Flash Report of OAG's Exhibitions 

(September Edition)

[September 2023. 24]

By R.S.G.
At the Ottawa Art Gallery



4 Exhibitions.

What is art ? 
And what is beautiful art? Malraux would have been able to say a lot about aesthetics and mystica but as just amateurs and aficionados of great art in the 21st century, great art before being clearly defined is first and foremost "felt".

The OAG/ GAO has managed to single-handedly create a humble, some would say, yet a subtle revolution by exhibiting great art on all its three floors. From photography to painting, graffiti or videography, it has covered a wide range of different arts and acumen . 

"And the Art is nothing less than sizzling....."

In one of the rooms , there is a real life sized black model with nappy braids and a black dress, seen from the back. And with the special lighting effects hitting the dress , something miraculous happens. What is it ?

 What does it mean ? What was the artist thinking while he "chiseled" the creation beheld ? Herein, starts art and its endless rabbit whole.
And as the adage goes : Art is Long, life is short.


Seems like a pun. A catch 22. A conundrum of sorts....yet amidst the apparent conundrum of the artist's craftsmanship, his personal battles with time, perfectionism , see doubt and multifarious other crucibles, he channels something finite in time and paradoxically "immortal & infinite", not only with his limited time but with his finite life in time.

Thus Art , absolutely Great Art is a prerequisite to be remembered long after one's ephemeral human assuage on the Earthly Realm. A form of immortality. A quite relative one yet non neglectable.
A Reverence to Memory or Time Shifter....


With time, comes memory and with memory commemoration and the delicate art of commemoration. Thus, through the SHIFTER EXHIBITION, OAG honors 40 years of urban hip hop in the mighty city of Ottawa (i.e starting from 1983 till this day)...we discover the early inception of the genre, some of its most innovative pioneers through beautiful designs, pictures, graffiti, poetry, videograhy, etc.


We are literally swept off our feet , invited to dream with those joyfully colorful , upbeat and uplifting memories of the early 80s and later.


Between the pages .....or "The Shapes Between"


Is an exhibition of Takeuchi Norman with beautiful sepia-like collages with photographs dating to the early years of the twentieth century in Japan.


 Nippon culture is depicted with gusto and a both serious yet playful manner. We dream. We travel for some seconds out of the hustle and bustle of the days, the innumerable stresses of life. For a second, we are made whole. 


Art is medicine 


And a great doctor is artful and thrifty and crafty.

Artists are prophets.

Visionaries. Poets of an Unseen realm.

And OAG underpromises and over delivers.


Medicine has cured us. At the very least for a short while. We know we can be made wholesome by dreaming a beautiful dream and vision that a Visionary: ( for instance , Takeuchi Norman et al.) has birthed & gifted to the world at large as a sacred reminder to keep the dream alive and who knows, maybe along the process becomes one also the Visionary that in his own unique way inspire , heal, uplift and empower.


 That's Art stands strong and stark amidst an endless list of other great things that we won't get into just now . 

GAO can be proud to be a patreon of such fine quality art. Do not miss, under any pretext, while the Dream & the Visions , the beautifully fine art disclosed while they (the artefacts) are still available to behold & be bewildered****

***expositions are available til the ----


*** Most of the presented art pieces are also for sales , for further information please contact:


 50 Mackenzie King Bridge, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 0C5, CANADA 
Mailing Address: 10 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2 | Rideau O-Train Station
613-233-8699 | info@oaggao.ca


September 2023. 24










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