Reviews (3) : a Triptych

[Reviews January 2024]


Reviews (3) : a triptych 


[Review I]


"Dreamer", Dave Chappelle 



With his habitual sharky, snarky , gnarly yet elegantly graceful angle, unmistakable trademark , one of the greatests of our times in stand up comedy history and culture,

 Dave Chappelle shows us and reminds us the power of well applied imagination and well incubated dreams .


With extremely well studied mechanics of comic genius, Chappelle plays with our emotions and gets us where it hurts ( and as a defense mechanism we hilariously burst in laughter) yet he does so to help us recover : such is triggered de facto, his healing capacity as one who knows the intimate ails of humankind and in consequence whom he has the knowledge to soothe them. 


Some, it is rightly believed , some (a theory says most of us if not all) have the god given gifts and commissions to help us alleviate the burdens of the human experience and restore us, somehow,  to some wholesomeness for a time however fleeting . 


Such is Chappelle's genius, it seems. A modern Shaman or Priest that heals through laughter and its subsequent catharsis. 


For it's cathartic. The cathartic nature of laughter so well known in Greek Theatre, specifically Comedy such as that of Aristophanes. 


 The stage is a Priestly Podium wherein Catharsis is predominantly the Menu. For Laughter & its tears sakes ....and the ointments of healing. 


Transferring his spellbound audience from tears of desperation  and sadness to inexpressible joy , surreal grace, & seasoned ecstasy,


 Chappelle dominates his crowd, hypnotizes us and confirms himself as a master at  his delicate craft and craftsmanship (for it seriously can get you in trouble, depending on the reception of a said "joke" or social prank or per se relational experiment,  etc.): the art of making and defusing bombs, literally and reminding us kindly as a Sage and soon-to-be be Elder , to ALL to be , as sovereign exhortation well beyond one's own current dreams & station : "dare be Bold Dreamers, Mavericks, Heroes, Gamechangers , Trend setters,  etc. You know not where they may lead you , sometimes gorgeous places" 


Powerful one-hour packed Comedy 

A la Chappelle 




[Review II ]: .





A Netflix Special Dec. 2023


Beyond the Conspiracy theories....


The world , those last years has shown us that an idea if not of an apocalypse , that of an infocalypse is not only plausible or feasible but quite probable in the generalized connexion  era and the Advent of the Internet of Things 3.0 


 That state of affairs having thus created a parallel purely digital duplicate of our daily realities, pixelized and digitized, changed and shifted the paradigm of how we apprehend reality as a practical thing and on a philosophical level even (cf. What ontological issues pose the Matrix Series by the Watchowski Brothers)


A super highway of integrated merge of data has made things easier seemingly for us all.  (Let's not get into the epinous topic of the frowning brows of the Elders of the Open Source, stating equal access to information, scot- free , with constant & perpetual betterment of a system , etc. : THAT this is not how they envisioned the Web and its virtual constructive applications etc. in its very first inception)


Leaving the World Behind is the other side of the Veil , the darker shades . What if AI lets us down and by some "mysterious" chain of events leads us to a downward spiral , to the Wayside,  spiral of self substraction , self destruction and the human species' "unavoidable " self annihilation by strategic counter aggression warfare. Irinically, cost effective.  


In such a world , programmed for digital overload and warfare , destruction and lasting dysfunction, gloom and doom and boom,  how one would behave when all certainty seems lost and blurred , (in the world depicted herein,  the swift has vague hunches to swiftly implement in order to survive merely… )?


Would one fend for oneself and oneself survival alone,  assuring an inevitable loss however delayed? 


Or one chooses to still be an exemplary human being, full of courage , embedded with the noble values of integrity , helpfulness, usefulness, service, human empathy daring to be a hero?


And possibly in the process

Become a Herald of Hope

Apocalypse or Not

End of the times , or else


Questions that arise in the process of discovering this taunting and daring picture of a possible and remarkably plausible dystopia.


Beautiful movie that sparks deep thought for our troubled times of volatility and versatile systems wherein the future seems highly unpredictable.




[Review III]


"Lion King" (3)



Behind the seemingly innocent story of a small brave Lion prince named Simba, forced into exile after his father's untimely death hides a universal tale , an initiatic story not only of coming out of age and embracing one's own responsibilities to care for oneself and the greater good but also that of reclaiming what is rightfully ours, because if not , it will unlawfully belong to someone else who did not deserve it thus would most probably use it for everyone's demise : thus the duty , the utter necessity of acquiring what already belongs to one but what must be claimed to be effective. Hence the process through which we witness Simba undergo,  as the story unfolds....


 ....Simba, the young Lion prince,  forced to exile by his covetous uncle Scar must forget whom he was to survive, aided by two adventurous friends met along the Path, in the wild,  but in due time must remember who he is and was always meant to be : a leader, a ruler and a King. It's his comeback.


We can easily spot the parallel story lines with the myth of the battle of Horus versus Seth disputing the Throne of Kemet after Osiris has gone to be Lord- of-the-Underworld.


The epic battle in which Horus loses his left eye. The price to be paid to regain access to his divine right.


The Battle is unavoidable a process of the claim of rightful ownership, thus the initiation into ours.  


Though it belongs to us we must fight if necessary daily to acquire it. A subtle paradox yet that makes it all worthwhile.  Which makes "Lion King" a universal tale with resounding depht that the young child, the teenager, the adult and the Sage can all benefit from , instruction wise. 


Beautifully crafted and very well narrated




Mon. JANUARY 15 2024








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