An Owl in Daylight: a Dickian Aftermath

An Owl in Daylight: a Dickian Aftermath

An Owl in Daylight: a Dickian Aftermath 


Dickian Aftermath II


Verse Tyrant X


[Disclaimer : this is a very personally and fundamentally subjective approach to the vast and inexhaustible world of Philip K Dick, his world, immense , his body of works, humongous, and some pure genius . It is my recognition and as a student of world building I celebrate herein one of the greatest Visionary Builders that may have possibly lived …


 Philip K Dick , my friend, mentor, Confidente in rough times and in pleasant ones also. My brother's keeper I honor herein him with the humble attempt that his glorious flame may live one ever so brighter


Personally …


An admirer of the works and the life, a friend, a brother of arms beyond the mere walls and barriers of time and epochs]


(* ) In MY teens I read Ubik and Qasim flabbergasted not knowing exactly what I beheld but I knew it was GRANDIOSE and unlike the young reader I was probably 16/17.

New York.

Visit to my favorite City

The Big Apple


Queens sisters


Satori inasmuch 


Summer 2003 . Or so . 


Ubik Transmigrations + VALIS

3 nuclear bombs into my innocent psyche. The only who shook me in, my very  young career of a critic, aficionado, book worm & scholar , that of the Marquis de Sade & Bataille, for the first: la Philosophie dans le boudoir , for the latter Histoire de L'œil. Velvet Underground, Nico, the Factory, art minor , Literature ,major , the brothers of arms, gatherings of Cosmic proportion,  etc . That was the status quo. Geneva . Cozy life . For now ....not for long.  Etc…


But I digress. 


I met Dick at a strategic period of my sequential life that was God ordained and as post mortem friend and brother through the Kindred of the Faith & the Saints, I avow he was Gigantic, titanic, a meteora, bigger than life personage.  His life is as trepidant as a novel: 5 failed marriages(who are we to judge, ey… ?) *


[*Maybe the compulsion to  find the Mother in his consorts and that compensation Wearing both parties terribly before they ultimately part. Freudian pattern some would say of the Oedipus Complex.]


Surviving two at the very least attempts /to take his own life. THANK GOD, HE always missed . We couldn't have known the later Dick, the Mystic, the Seer, the Cybernetic Pythia of the Future as pure possibility between a gazillion others.


Words crash or words craftsmanship 


Dick was a cunning linguist . He played with the tongue and the English idiom with brilliant an ease: he is a polyglot(sum up quick: German, English , old English, ancient latin + Mycenian or attic Greek , notions of French) …..knows extensively the anglo Saxon idiom in which he is a master. He prefigured and preannounced Linguistic Neuro Programming *


Or Neuro Linguistic Programming : a great science that I fundamentally multidisciplinary: allowing sociolinguistics, self hypnosis or hypnosis + art of positive Affirmations, and cybernetics and the cybernetic nature of the human psyche approached a certain way. It can be reprogrammed and this alter reality; this postulate is inherently dickian 


As Keanu Reeves/ Neo Awakened ?


Morpheus/ Fishburne


Marlyn Manson ?


The times ? 




Philip K Dick  in Philosophical & Literary Essays of Philip K Dick, Double Day, 2002 éd. P .132 


Deep.  Cunning. NLP rare air. As if a social linguistics engineering expert testing a psychosocial theory of language .


Dick was also a shrewd germanist. DICK by the way is from teutonic origins.i.e German meaning Grösse : big , fat hence Horselover Fat as an archetypal negative of Dick in the Transmigration Trilogy as Philip/ Horselover in Athenian Greek.  And Dick : Fat .


Who is Horselover Fat? The ectoplasmic double or numerical fictional avatar of Philip K Dick ?


Reading "Ubik" and "Man in the High Castle",  with the eyes of an adult knowing, author myself,  better  understanding the implications of being alive better, it's another dimension of depth: of genius., of genius level inspiration and narrative tour de force. 

Man in.the High. Castle , the seer, the author, the authority, the tremendous genius , so to speak on very delicate topics politically polarized and cognitively dissonant . 


Is H. Abendsen as Horselover , another fictional double of Dick ? Who knows ? Most probably  to a sure and certain extent, only him and God know, for sure .


I always wondered the ease with which Dick could spin a story with such mastery in a very refined manner, and smoothens til its last possible loose ends : that takes another type of genius , and personally one genuinely thinks Dick deserves more credit than till now Shown,   his literature Gower deemed Stark,  IA always of immense Literary gravitas and Literary true acumen & craftsmanship, better than some celebrated classics of mainstream, a hundredfold. But, hey that's my opinion .  


Teenagers, like reading Junkie, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, or Doors of perception or Paradis Artificiels, Rainbow Bridge or viewing the very first time ... .Fragile, vulnerable offendable little thing, Salo of Maestro P.P. Pasolini, we were enthralled, now we are positively amused, half said between us as an innate understanding binding them


Authors as Abendsen have their technical secrets, it was heard Dick could write a novel such as Ubik in three days, 60 pages a day , (x 4) = 240 p. In 4 days. 2 novels in 8 days . 4 novels in 16 days, 8 in 36 and so on and so forth..


Hyped up with amphetamines, gallons of coffee like Balzac, Classical music, Beethoven's 9 th Symphony by Herbert Von Karajan, reading Vonnegut. PLAYERS PIANO, and a great Dolby sound with amazing headphones and it's on : dig. , carve, excavate worlds and realm through the codex of the typewriters,  to the last Atom of strength.  


Then,  crash down for days and bis . And such with the 45 novels + not counting all the mainstream works , lesser known, a dozen, supposedly: Voices from the Streets, Humpty Dumpty in Oakland , Confessions of a crap artist (best known as : amazing read )


Confessions of a crap artist is French in genetic DNA.  Balzacian. Maestria of narration. Flawless. However phenomena depicted,  weird, out of range, flabbergasting , always self possessed, clinical, super precise, refined in oration and the silvery golden nitpicking and choosing of the words, their classical music like pristine flow.


The economy of a Dickian novel is in 250 p. Make something extraordinary happen in such a way it awes but it still subtly dawns on the beholder becoming seer of the Story that : O my God,  it could even be real this presented hypothesis: "What if what  I was experiencing as imaginary REALMS your direct, factual and immediately experienced empiric reality ?"


And indeed in 200+ pages,  Dick sells you a dream you didn't dare ask to start with,   whereas ,  when you finish the book, the book starts its own second life : the questions are deepening,  the conclusions seem to tighten. The hints are ever more subtle. 


Investigación del I Ching 


Realize , knowledge is very superficial. How our pretense makes us we have exhausted and mastered a matter and we haven't scratched the very top of its surface. 




I know it's been invented by a Chinese Emperor


64 hexagrams


Auspicious & Darker At Cannes / Omens




A friend of the Dao : a revealer of Dao and wu.


Cf. Wabi




I Ching. 


The Light White X.


A pré

Pretext for situated context in order to align to alt-right & alright text , Precious tapestry of Bliss blue yellow red white


And Synaesthetic 

And synapse firing friendly 










The song 

The Ballad

The Voyage 




In fables 

Synoptic Gospels

Sacred Codices


Where are the true Warriors of Righteousness

Disciples true to the core?


Built 4 life 

Life nurturing.

Life transmitting


Instead of vampiric, parasitic, needy leeches?


And that energy Of neediness 

Spreads like a wildfire

That you must ruthlessly extinguish off




Run away

Drop out

Drop sour



Rip Hour

Just do something 

To lovingly shield off


Grieve at peace

Your Heart and Eye of Soul 

Like weary sheathes, deserve it and will guide you through the process of Healing and mending . 








Saturday. 29.7.23


Owl In Delight in Daylight : a Dickian Aftermath 




All around

Sacred Ground

An Urgrund 

Of sorts

Zen like Bliss

Divine soft Hygge

Smorgasbord of fresh pure air

& delights the Owl

( seated)

In Daylight



And brightened…

Who understands

Has overstood

The stool 

Of the shores

Of Immortality's replenishing Nectar"


Dick made  me discover Jakob Boehme, the concepts of En Soph, Godhead, the notion of pluriversws & multi layered multiverses in an onion layered manner, The Magic Mushroom & Christ, based on the Nag Hammadi Sea Scrolls, by John Romero?  and many more : A.

E.  Van Vogt, Norman Spirad , Tessa Busby , his  last wife, a writer as well as in the married husbandry of the King(s) : Tabitha & Stephen 


Incontestable Master of Horror Fiction


What Dick was to Sci fi as a ground breaking meter or of Visionary intensity coupled with solid rational Cartesian Aristotelician especially in the narration, what Dick was to Sf? I meant to say Stephen King is in the genre of Horror.


A bracket. 



Let's get back to the core of the matter: the otherworldly greatness of the Dickian Equation


Dick is very scientific in his narration so it is more kindred to the French Schools of Realism & Naturalism of mid late 19 th Western Literature or the doctrine of Objectivity.  


Cubical. Clinical. Precise. Razor sharp. Ever witty, yet in many indicible ways subtle, even when giving account of the most eeriest of situations it is cool and calm.  Almost divine I equanimity.. it is all equal and same so why sugarcoat. Even the Angst triggering 






Dick admits of his philosopher status, however low-key. We can see the evolution of the writing of Dick throughout the teats almost three decades.


 1952- 1982. , which only got better and more top tier as the years compounded.  But since  inception, we can feel a cold German rationalist of the Aukflarung, though raised as a Quaker, his profound skepticism of the rationally unexplained and unexplainable yet deeply fascinated by the numinous, the extra rational


What's truly at the periphery of our commonly accepted field of reality?


When filters break or the Adjustment Teams and Bureau are needed to fix a reality glitch in the Matrix that someone managed to crack consciously or incidentally as depicted in Adjustment Team short story *


What is reality ? How do we apprehend it ? How palpable is its worth? Heraclitus, Plato, Anaxagoras, Protagoras, Aristotle, Imhotep et al were there before….


Are we in a simulacrum? An engineered reality virtual ? A simulation that if we cracked we would enter the Kingdom of Eternal Splendors at last, forevermore. What do the Emerald Tablets tell us? 


The obsessions of the Gigantic mind that was Philip Kindred Dick.  


What is human ? Who is human? Are you ?


 Are you dead or alive? How do you know? What if almost this was but a silly dream with frequent thorns. and suffering somehow self imposed to better oneself or all that are just the ramblings of a deranged mind, a crap artist as Dick would have put it , ein Eierkopf? A philosophy nuff who is obsessed with multiple synchronous interdependent realms held by a tapestry of divine codex.


The Man in the High Castle. 


I Ching. Japan. GERMANY . Winners of the war, miscegenation of values and cultures . An out of joint feel to it all. 



Refinement of culture,

Refinement & Taste,

Character development ,

Dialogue flowing free,


Human Psychology,

World Geostrategy & Politics

Administration and it's tedium 

How the Will to power is cleverly dissected 


The I Ching as a Third Wise Benevolent Oracle

Guiding with its millennia wisdom all of Humanity since the victory of the Axis. 


Despite their racially dismissive measures, there was still miscellaneous miscegenation , as if fundamental for the very ecosystem of life-and-death of perturbed, laws hit us with amends to make to restore balance


We feel though a powerful empire, the Reichs is crumbling like the Roman Emperor in Rome's very epítome of shown power.  A colossus with clay feet


Julia Frink. The messianic damsel. 


The Joan of Arc of the Beacon of Truth & Light & Transparency.  


Maybe the bravest of them all- the characters - she shows us that truth and the duty To protect regardless of costs are mandatory to show self approval of being a noble and more than decent human being. 


What is human
















Premeditated damage





Breaking the law for the sake of breaking the law

Not even for a noble cause 






I'll will



After one closes the great masterpiece of alternate fiction in the truly  utilitarian fashion, for this could have been truly our faces if the germanic tyrants and their associates won the war; at the very least a possible, probable realm.and eventuality.


What will become of the heroes ? All are left but with bitter truths. The ending is not a bad ending, but it's very far from a happy ending. Gloom impedes from every pore of that universe 


If you hate this world you could see some of the others, the essay and address of Dick at Metz , France , 1977.

It is very significant that of all Europeans titans, he chose and accepted an invitation from France. He was beloved there, seen as a demigod of Transcendent Bliss. An oracle of superb grandeur whereas back home, despite his obvious success as a Sci fi writer, people slept a bit on him ....personal opinion, not knowing what he would have thought?


Questions of Relevance? 


What will become of Juliana Frink , and the Abendsen ? Will Tagomi recover or wallow in mental imbalance? Would Wegener/ Baynes be reinstated or shot? What will be the new possibilities and policies of the New Governmental Dispensation, & Frank jewelry & Children do they prosper? Sole true resilient survivors, all else, or almost all broken in a very subtle way by truth , overexposure to Truth and its blinding light 

That symbolically is represented by the Heavenly Wisdom of the I Ching


The Kasouras . What? Joe Cinadela ? Dead or...alive? 


Et al. et etc.


Here , our humble effort to give our letters of Nobility through a radically subjective & disruptive testimony &  narrative continuum to a giant, a great Visionary and a volcanic and prolific creator & worldbuilder of excellence who showed us the way of how it should be done yet caringly warning us of the aloneness of the true genius mind. Yet amidst this solitude,a compensative Bliss such as astounding Splendors & View Sions , worth sharing through CoCreation Birthing.




Add-ons & Co 


Morning Audio on Dick's life


Born in Chicago,  Illinois


Depression years

Jane , twin sister dead


2 places for Him & Her 




While him still being alive


Subterranean traumatic


Casually handled by our Giant


Early 50s : 1952 professional humble beginnings in sf . 23 years old


First debited / submitted sf story : Roog


Stardom : 1962 : Hugo Award : Man in the High Castle :














Do androids .....


Maze of Death


Three Stigmata 


Religious & Ethical Phase well Etched out


5 marriages



Bellicose when writing




Vehemently inward


 need of silence peace × coffee + Mephedrone tabs + Chopin. LES NOCTURNES. Mezza . HIFI. And a blow of white cream  way.122 p. Delayed self gratification. BOUDDHA SAHI STATE 


Occasionally subject to Weltschmerz,  thus suicidal without a cause, problematic for a lady that counts on You to shield her from all outside danger such as Superman. Oh well Life is life and the Battle of the Angels 

Is fought with Angst by some , with hopeful courage by others. Fought nonetheless. He wants to give up. Weary of the same old business as usual shenanigans.  The bullocks of affirmative action . The Government, a leviathan like any other, gave away some Sovereignty too. He hopes in his Utopica Topica is that all our Sovereign Estate can be bought back by :....



Going within

Listen to Nature

Seek God's Face

Humbly yet passionate 

Con furor 

Von Starkheit

Buzzing Bee at Beauty 




Pink Ray : VALIS


Vast Active Living Intelligence 


Holy Ghost / 

Inner Christ Omnipotent Omniscience 



Total recall. 50 novels + 300/ 400+ stories / Exegesis


2/3 1972. - 28 * 42 years old 


I Ching or the East in Dickian Cosmogony


Weird personal experience: Horselover Fat


60 p a day. : amphetamines + uppers ; coffee, possibly coke et al.


Berkeley University courses 


Philosophy, Zoology, Psychology,  German literature,  History. 


Drop out:(after less than a year ) political reasons


Add-on 2 :




"Man in the High Castle"


By Philip K Dick 




Mariner books


Brilliant masterpiece that cemented the Master of 20 th American Speculative Fiction, Philip K Dick as one of American literary top tier Visionaries . 


In this opus, with great talent and ambitious tour de force, the Dickian Visionary manages to show us a world wherein the Axis powers : Germany, Japan, Italy have won the second world War and are the dominating powers. 


An alternate universe well crafted , a uchronia of great genius that seems to whisper to us as the pages flip, that our reality is but one in the infinite variables of a multiverse, however far-fetched it may appear to the reasonable mind


Pure genius




Aftermath & Afterword to the Owl in delight


Special Thanks to :


- Herr Doktor Benway ( aka Benjamin I. Efrati, an amazing Scholar and friend ), my doppelganger since our experimental and volatile yearning years of youth. We read it all. Synchronically. Monomaniac : Nietzsche to Bataille to Klossowski. From Blanchot to Kafka,  and naturally Dick. 


 The Man who japed, Ubik, The Man in the High Castle,  The Literary & Philosophical Essays of Philip K Dick, the Faith of our FathersEye in the Sky, A Martian time slip, Do androids dream of electric sheep?, Blade Runner (Do androids dream of electric sheep movie adaptation by Ridley Scott), Paycheck, etc.


 We devoured them all. Amazed, hypnotized,  shocked, shook , beautifully flabbergasted. 


Over the years we paid over and over again to the Master of Science Fiction  using Speculative Fiction as a fictional system to explore plausible scientific and philosophical theories. 


Alexandre Efrati, a magnificent mentor and brilliant frei denker


Balaz's Turai , a doppelganger of youth,  brilliant mind with whom we once roved the land in the folly of youth …


Christophe Paillard, maestria es philosophia, friend over the years…


Jean Luc Bouyeure, maestro es Philosophie, great role model and intellectual advisor of youth.


Timothy Leary


Jimi Hendrix & Jim Morrison


Maurice G Dantec & Richard Pinhas & Gilles Deleuze


Bernard Werber


Hélène Colon


Paul Williams


Terrence MC Kenna


Norman Spirad


Ursula K . Leguin


Anne Rubinstein Dick


To the Dickonauts & Dickosphere




Great Vibrations + Dickian Transmigrations 


The Author

With gratitude + reverence

Fri. 11.8.23

Gat, Qc



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