Aishwarya : On the Divine Feminine and the too humanely & commonly feminine in an alienated and disconnect-(ing)-ed world *



                  On the Divine Feminine and the too humanely & commonly feminine in an alienated and disconnect-(ing)-ed world



                  "NNEKA". Mother is SUPREME                                                  





Woman is the MOTHER OF LIFE. Glory be to Nature. Whereon should one start in this flabbergasting journey? That one apprehends the meaning of the Divine Feminine, its expression, its depths, its modus operandi, and subsidiaries , its modus vivendi and its corollaries.


One can think that the Divine Feminine should be necessarily found in the feminine we see everyday, in our streets, in our houses, in our homes, in our dreams,in ours schools, and in our nurseries, etc, but one could no be furthest from the least quite far from it.


The Divine Feminine lived and was,  way beyond the Dawn of time. Way beyond the pillars of Creation. 

 Yet manifested into the Great Woman.


What is the Great Woman?


The woman is assuredly sweet,  kind,  meek,  enduring and uplifting, elevating, peaceful, selfless when needed but when in times of distress and in duress, stands strong, bold, courageous, empowering and seemingly ruthless to protect her territory, her territory being her ideals, her immaterial belongings, her family, her honor, her chosen Loved One, her beloved offspring, etc.


The Divine Feminine is deeply embodied in Motherhood. For the child, his Mother is almost God, before he knows consciously that GOD EXISTS. And that, his own mother life's is dependent on the Great Source that sustains equanimously  the life of His Mother and all LIFE to which this life he holds in high and sacred esteem has sprung forth, but prior to that, he sees his MOTHER as GOD/ GODDESS.


In the physical realm of daily life, before  knowing and asserting  that Mother holds power of life and Death, she is dependent on a greater principle  that springs life and terminates it at its capricious will, there is no substantial difference between the secularly mundane and the Great Divine Mother, the divine feminine, they are ONE and inseparable, they are un-distinguishable and indistinct.


But at a point in experienced reality, we feel the humanness of the Feminine, its needs, its comforts, its calculations, its limitations, its fears, its nightmares, its transfers, its co-dependent and repressed issues, its strategies to be clear of the nightmarish.


And the masculine, the divine masculine englued in the hustle and bustle of everyday Life, the restless agitation for acquisition of shelter, capability, resources, influence  and status, disconnects from , what is now perceived , by HIM, as a falsity, a fraud, a wishful tell tale of glory of the Feminine, that once was a legend but now is no more,  and therefore become overtly or covetously cynical....


What does she gain from me? What is her benefit? What could I procure her? Although these worries do not reflect the love, the affection and the attachment I may have for Her, let's be realistic, if she says she loves me, it must be “interested”, although I do not (necessarily) perceive that interest…


So the Divine Masculine takes or mistakes the Love of the feminine for Interest, Gain, an end. 


And strives to over-compensate by accessories and external arrays of worthiness, which are the vast majority of time, of material nature. Essentially.

There starts the misconception of the Divine Feminine, thus being associated with multifaceted fraudulences and tell-tales,  except being "oneself's best".  But , never is approached as a reward for "being herself".


Though being herself, she reaps her rewards and honor beyond imagination.

Here, starts an endless games of facades, appearances, dances of masks, personas and roles which end up in broken up communication, a sense of mutual and self betrayal, dazzling and dizzying quid pro quos that as a result solidify the status quo of Misunderstanding and impossible genuine exchange. 


In extenso.


The Masculine doubts he has ever perceived something greater than "need" and "neediness" in this nebulous notion of the Divine Feminine.

Need of a mate, need to mate, need to be comforted from rough days and tough rains. And need from her, to be reassured, seen, validated, complemented, complimented, cajoled, "saved", provided for, etc.

Who yearns, controls, angries, aggresses, blackmails, appals, schemes, charms, seduces, manipulates, to get what She wants.


So here, comes Confusion both from Man and Woman.


That is not the Divine Feminine.

At best manipulative and conniving ways. At worst, the psychology of blackmail and mind games.


What is the Divine Feminine that has lost her crown? 


And so full of misconceptions and misinterpretations? The Half- Divine Feminine, or the Lost Feminine, or the Feminine in Loss.....

Enslaved to societal conditioning, to expectations of what "glorious array" means. 


Yet  desiring recognition for being "female", enslaves and weakens herself through base desires, of comfort, eat, drink, fuck and be paid and honored for it. While enslaving her victims posing as a true embodiment of the Divine Feminine but could not be further from It. A fraud. A con man. A fake.A poseur. An empty cog that makes deafening noise.


The Divine Masculine is disgusted. For he thought of the highest ideals of Nobility attached to this unseizable notion of Kindness, tenderness, peaceable works, support and finds aggression, manipulation , double binds, double games, triple tongues, and shamelessness, pride in bestial tendencies, that savantly hide under an exterior of refinement and class.


And the gullible of most men are made to think that is WHAT the Divine feminine is.

And equate the presence of the earthly feminine and its conniving and inconsequential caprices and ways to the Divine feminine. 


The Eternal Archetype of the Feminine as Godly.


The latter part is about NEEDS. Not ASSETS.

The divine feminine wants nothing, fulfilled herself, from any other external source but to be recognised, acknowledged, at times, praised. For BEING WHO SHE IS and simply BEING IN BEING


She's subtle…


. Here Subtle, there turbulent. Always mysterious and soft as fresh flowing water. Yet Hard as granite. Hard to crush, suppress, repress. 

And embodying endless, non- finite abundance of wealth, of life, of Peace, of comfort, she needs no one, nor nothing to be.


In Theory


Still, she feels incomplete.


 She yearns for completion, her confirming and validating opposite. And when She finds it , she bows to it in admiration, in awe, in grateful serendipity.

Humbled yet multiplied than her own parts multiplied

The Divine Masculine seeing the true divine Feminine unlearns all patterns of aggression, take, war, competition, crush, use and abuse, and learns the most priceless lesson which is:" UNLEARN everything that made you thought you were not sufficient , sufficient enough, just flow, learn to BE, and nothing else. And all you desire through ME will flow effortlessly to YOU, this is the Tao. This is the Way."


Unfortunately the common woman reinforces the false assumptions of the Divine Masculine tarnished and led astray of his heavenly mission; attend and soothe to the Divine Feminine. 


Who, though,  shows an apparent neediness is in herself, COMPLETE. But needs a component, whichever that is, she feels so she shows herself completed and not competed. Nor forced to to compete for that She already has in abundance, i.e NURTURING and its byproduct,  LIFE, JOY, TRUTH, BEAUTY, ABUNDANCE, MEEKNESS, SOVEREIGNTY TRUE, KNOWLEDGE, ALCHEMY.


And when found, canalized, does amazing works without being told, for She knows everything.


As a society we are at the extreme polar opposites.


Men fed the illusion that they had to have to be accepted, by the Feminine and therefore are trapped by the mundane yet yearn for the Highly elevated they feel in their soul. 


This Divine Feminine, this "anima" of their self, that is a part of themselves but they do not see necessarily or if so , very poorly reflected in the women they encounter in the daily life and experience.  And try again and again to meet in their soul, amidst the turbulence, the voice of the Divine Lady, forever hidden, or so it seems in their perceptual machinery.


The Divine Feminine must cry out loud: I need you.


And the Divine Masculine must admit it yearns in pain for the Divine Feminine; its universally determined half.


Although I can strip myself from everything that impedes from knowing YOU, I am still in desire , unsatisfied for YOU and YOU alone, to acknowledge me, so I could be, breathe and grieve out the false illusions that were  upon my being.


That would be  the perfect reunification, the perfect atonement.

And Love would reign and give her bonanzas of Good, infinitely renewed. 

*                                                                     **************


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