From wise stewardship to sovereign and blessed sonship

                     From wise stewardship to sovereign and blessed sonship



Warrior discipline. Christ warrior , even though of peace, could be equally ruthless at war with devices that are not initially designed for warfare purposes


The Lord, the Word and the Sword 

Trinity of war....


What is to  steward shrewdly and with solid acumen, according to God's divine decrees and command ?

Good question !


Cf. The parable of the talents. Cf. Matthew 25:14-19 English Standard Version (ESV) The Parable of the Talents 14 “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants[ a] and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents,[ b] to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability  



The master and the three managers: one given 5 talents  , the other , 2 and the other 1. The one having the administer most is keenest to multiply the most ,the one  fairly entrusted fairly reaped , and the One entrusted with some, buried it..


Moral of the story: it's not the quantity of what is sown but the well wishing will to sow and multiply according to natural and subtle laws 

With 1 item entrusted,  we should have the same will to make abundant and overflowing as the first and diligent manager who shrewdly masters his business.  He ruled over a few things and satisfied , his master made him.Ruler over many things.  

Which makes us think of the transient and transformative side alchemical nature of shrewd and diligent stewardship to blessed sonship....


Because herein the key is not the "many things” of worth entrusted to one's good care but the truth behind that state of affairs . Here the main currency is TRUST . Assurance. Accountability and Faith . For thus this implies Faith and vice versa 



What have you been entrusted with ? How is the state of your management? How could you better it ? Maximize stewardship with minimal effort ....Good for thought .....for a wise stewardship....



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