The Tourist's Perspective


The Tourist's Perspective


(A urban observational participation in real time -

(A tale in words and pictures )


We do not acknowledge that perspective  enough . Why? Because, when we are tourists we feel vulnerable , lost, not in control yet subtly and secretly excited, as Proust says this depaysement  builds you new eyes, thus new instincts of survival and getting out of your comfort zone, where the miracle resides , after the extra  mile......


The tourist asks when he does not know about discovering and chartering  new territory. He is prone to be probed. Why? He has no other  choice but to be thus in a constant stream of bliss and discomfort he has the best experience , embracing uncertainty as it was meant to be.

Life was never meant to be figured out but to be loved,  lived, cherished , treated , treasured and held sacred....


But figure out. 






Nevertheless, never stop receiving and rejoicing at the great and wonderful and mysterious undulations  of this gift called life . Explore. Wonder. Learn . Apply. Teach. And learn again......never stop wondering and beholding the great mystery....divine partition and wonder perfect .....especially because of its perceived imperfection  in the lived human.experiences,  the human condition 


But I digress

Again, Again, alas 



For example, I must go to Britannia. But first from the 400 from Promenades bus station,  I must go to London,  Ottawa,  take the O-Train then take the shuttle to Turney's  Pastures. The Warrior'sPath is roaring in the faint distance . Endurance.  Awaitance . Letting go. Let God . IN. 


It's been a year. I feel like a tourist on the ground..  I actually , in between, bump into a very charming and  mellow asiatic couple who asks as I wonder myself what best strategy to enact in the urban concrete  jungle . They ask where they could find the way to Chinatown.  I try to be clear . They were grateful.  We cheerfully gave well wishes as we parted .....I entered the O Station , conqueror mindset, shielded , eyes peeled .

 Where is the lane of Tunney's  pasture ? I take a leap of faith to descend the escalators.  No. This is Blair .

Turney's pastures last call , less than 1 monitored minute

I run for Life, escalate, re-escalate. In extremis Turney's pastures.  

Got in. 

Stealthy efficiency 


Phew. Adrenalin pumping in the blood ....

AB - negative rhesus. Very praised in nipping culture , a muse of mine ….Arigato…


Deep breather. The exciting terror of uncertainty , yet deeply relaxed . Though it feels like the tourist's  Perspective,  it is more or less chartered  territory. 


Waiting at Turney's pasture . 51. We wait,unsettled , from the Tourist's  Perspective

....again. Is it the right bus, let me check , no where it goes,  run, no it wasn't even it , you get in the pre supposedly  right bus. 

Good morning Sir , does this bus go to Britannia ?


Informations: 57/51. 3 minutes 

 Zero minutes 


Ask à expert, à very respectable manager , you could feel it in his demeanor 

If I come it will come , beating , be patient. Faith .

Used but gave gas away,  you should reshuffle. 


WordPress Pass : Salina. 

I got off the bus.  On-time,  the platform . 57. ...I see a bus strolling . I look again . It is 57. I run for 590 meters universal soldier style ,cutting Samurai of the Hagakure , I get in extenso,  in extremis . Redirection 

Thanks and praises ,



Look at the beautiful scenery 


The Golden light of the sun Imperial 

On the velvet watery skin of the river. 

Beauty is enhanced,  absconded,  and revealed all at once ......


Dionysos speaks words of bliss.....

In extremis , the tourist's Perspective....

Yes , in extremis , on the edge, on the tip of , what .....of the abyss of the Unknown ,the hidden treasures that only courage, diligence. Long-suffering and seasoned wise unlock,

Flow like

Lincoln Fields  . 4 B . Quadrilateral  gaze , scan, 51 , Brittania  . HOSPITAL.  TERMINALS.   I go the other way, then find Dao , move-in. In mysterious undulations and ways ...

OC Transpo. Call. 3 digits . 3 times. Location. Route. 57. 29 minutes . 


We are at least,  set, writing to our brethren and sisters.


8 minutes, (that turned into 8 x 5 minutes).....

Path uploaded , 88% ,components completed, 





Alignment  optimal. 


For exam⅕ple one 1. Remember Pythagoras.  


A phone call …


Message received : Where are you, we are almost all gathered,  except you and the Justice Blade. Call him and see if he can catch you up so you two join in…

Message sent

I called . Voice-mail.  So in 30 minutes then . +5 ish minutes. God bless. I called . Voice-mail.  So in 30 minutes then . +5 ish minutes. God bless


Back to soft reality 

A philosopher  lost up in the musings of his inner realms , diamond gems, but for a bit , returned . Confirm position.  All is positive. 

Wait . Again. Life is movement and standstill.  Standstill for Man Is unbearable and undesired doubt .

We surrender that doubt of the human condition and experience  to the heavenly Spheres of Dominion Perfect and eternal 

The Urban Warrior is another breed . 

Very adaptive, he is a sleek Chilean chameleon who is master at blurring lines to better fit in , self beheld as a finite entity, well defined. Alas.  But strong, powerful , yet chose willfully for survivalist ends, decided to tone down  a tad,  great tad that is , not yet be left,  to have his ears to the streets and the Golden opportunities that could arise , if you read and decipher well, the flair,  échos,  because the urban hustler, warrior of sorts, knows his time will come where he could be all he could be, freely and without  hindrance of any kind. Inner or outer. peace. One.

I digress again 

All apologies, praises 

Mea Culpa...

So the sun shines Golden Pillar of Truth and Power 

Peristyle of POWER 






encrypted perception 

Almost imperceptible 


Back to the cab of cabled reality.  

Awaitance, stillness. Prana. Rajasthan. 


A request 


 by Lady Faatimah Maadhi 


Binary me

The balance of we 

The sun and moon and stars above me 

Birthed the lion, jackal and bull 

And brought them to school 

Of the feminine kind 

Kings were even birthed through this divine mind 

The glass is clear 

Blind minds don’t look there 

Yet she’s screaming in pain 

And only some hear Birthed nations 

She the vibration 

The sensation 

Even the first ejaculation 

She birthed light 

And darkness and night 

Yet we only focus on His light…. 

Something’s quite not right 

Royal are we naturally 

Kings and Things 

Yet all must Salute to Captain and bow to the Queen 🙏🏾🙏🏾




It feels good to be alive . Enjoying the sun . At peace and the eternal tourist.  A warrior also, but whom uses diplomacy as preferred tool for maximum result 


A necessity 

The tourist's Perspective 

A window into the new 

Even in the old 

The renewing mind and spirit 

The spheres of miracles 

Rhema sacred....

To trust life 

For the best 

Even in the hard of the Eden Test



I’m not coachable, I’m inconcealable. I take my counsel 4m the LORD, (who walking in the Will of God?) Has God confirmed? Yes? Then, it’s counsel I receive. They just shall live by faith! The mercy of the LORD is on my life 

-Bella El


Brittania ,







The name of the tourists where we were called : WONDER and AMAZEMENT….. 


6:13 pm , Lincoln Fields,  4 B. SATURDAY, 26th of August,  2022 


Urban Warrior

 (A Tourist's Perspective 2 - in the back seat this time around)




It has gotten dark....already , so quick ...

TAKE OFF  from Britrania 


20:30 end of activities 

Earlier Lincoln Fields,  1H 1/2 . 51. SUPER late.  

The Tourist's Perspective.  

Written, edited. Remastered,  add-ons....

Brittana / Salina . 

7:35 PM .

Brother Imoh, Queen U, Rosalind, Nipu and the children...

Pictures. A beautiful sunset.  Breathtaking.  Van Gogh would have gasped for air.

Awaitance  for Nipu. For what reason . Only God knows,  a heaviness in the air ,a stiffness....we wait....exactly for what ....for Nipu to return, why and where did she go ...

A slight spark of irritation 


A walk. Breathe.  Pray. Intercede .

Find a center . ....

Enter the car....


The angels of love 

And one, 


No air, fidgety...


At the gathering,  gifts were given to persons of interest, Siddhartha + Directed by Purpose . 

Justice Blade informed me he finished  Napoleon Hill 's " Think & Grow Rich". Very teased and pleased to know.

Eat. The wait earned me an appetite. Great food  .

The carefree landscape, the green droplets of bliss of the grass, the sun of gold In a silvery stream gliding suavely over creation, bee adorned spaces, purified , sanctified. 

We reflect on the uncertainty of the times .

Read the times. 


Be a minimalist. 

Tourist's  Perspective.  , a curious work. World building in a flash . Goodman , Nelson is near. Giving blessings. 

Translate "Flashs d'éternité"

Anthropology is coming back 

3×3 (full circle: Stop)


21:28 ....

Half way guesses.  Today was a tour de force ....

But glad and grateful for the experience. 

I am glad I pushed through 

I saw the Brethren

Got to read My Rainbow is Black + polish published Review 

Take pictures 

Write + correct "The Tourist's Perspective",

Kairos 34 completed .

9:31 PM

Pitch dark as the car driven expertly  by Rosslind is moving forward ....some streaks  of light in the Darkness and in the night .....



55% downloaded......of process.....

All praises. Back to the known , the all  too known , "St Amour", a flash in the night.

Nightmares die with their own bullets sent back in a streak of tireless bombardment of the intensity of 5000 Hiroshimaamd Nagasaki one assault . Search. Locate . Demolish to ashes....

Back to sender ..... 10 power 23.

Though weapons form , they are deviated and sent back to Point of origin with ten times  initial charge and  force to destroy a destroyer hiding in the Darkness ......


So It is in the Advocate Mediator names


9:38 PM

Greber Savane.....

Almost there 93%......uploaded.

Stirs .....streaks , bitter stares ,indifférence 


The driver is so smooth I did not feel any bumps . A maestra.....

9:40 there. Thank you God,  Angels, Nature,  Universe, godly people and self ...

All praises  to  the  most High.  Home. At last .....a shower and dive into Morpheus realms . .....etc.



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