Dirty Computer - a Decoding
Dirty Computer, 2018, Wondaland Productions
Janelle Monae is a visionary
Dali and Nina Simone blended into a modern Nefertiti and Oshun .
A Peahen of blissful delight
In dirty computer, her graphic and innovative videos are interwoven through a brilliant and smooth narrative of rebellion to exert one's true identity despite the coercion of the powers that be that want to assign an identity to subdue and suppren one's true nature.
Afrofuturistic, subversive, tragic and light, deep and masterful , colored and bleak , multilayered masterpiece of art and alternate world building. Afropop Science fiction transposed in uncharted territories. Brilliant.
9 / 10
Heavy apologetics of polymorphic polyamory and other unorthodox sentimental triangulations
Heavy Revendication of Khemite and ancestral wisdom
Indexations and thematics :
Blues- Rock- Electronica- Afrofuturistic narrative - alternate voice
Jimi Hendrix - Nina Simone- Joesphine Baker
Prince - Miles Davis - The Doors - psychedelic dreamscapes
Oshun - the Divine Femininity.
Women Empowement & Black Girl Magic
Sensuality as primordial capital -
Living Colour . Basquiat . M.J. / Janet Jackson.
Negro Spirituals . Blues. Jazz. Black expression- the Black Renaissance - Black excellence .
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