Flash Report of OAG's Exhibitions - September 2023 Edition
Flash Report of OAG's Exhibitions * (September Edition) * [September 2023. 24] * By R.S.G. * At the Ottawa Art Gallery * * 4 Exhibitions. * What is art ? * And what is beautiful art? Malraux would have been able to say a lot about aesthetics and mystica but as just amateurs and aficionados of great art in the 21st century, great art before being clearly defined is first and foremost "felt". * The OAG/ GAO has managed to single-handedly create a humble, some would say, yet a subtle revolution by exhibiting great art on all its three floors. From photography to painting, graffiti or videography, it has covered a wide range of different arts and acumen . * " And the Art is nothing less than sizzling....." * In one of the rooms , there is a real life sized black model with nappy braids and a black dress, seen from the back. And with the special lighting effects hitting the dress , something miraculous happens. What is it ? * What does it mean ? What was the a...