
Showing posts from December, 2022

Nuovo Christo Ordem (a longer excerpt)

  Romans 5:3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance . * Tithe is service given , then paid , then given as living sacrifice to the most High AHAYAH  * Learned 1: *  Buy Borrow DIE  Equity and assets  Generational Wealth  Passing To  New administrators Heirs  Righteous  Stewards  One hopes   Etc… * * Ogre/ Ogie , childhood nickname of Aldous Leonard Huxley- the Bodhisattva and mahatma  * 1963 : Check out of the earthly realm >  Huxley/ Kennedy / C.S Lewis  Same day . Same tear Same year  Mystery of Time  * Today was a leap of faith essentially  .  * SNOW STORM & BAPTISM OF ICE  * Wake up and shiver . * Prepare. * War .....rings ....ignored  * AIM HIGH  * FAITH & TREMBLING  * MASTERY . * Armor of faith  Full contact  All praises  Given  None taken  Leader without title  Assumed  Accepted  Acknowledged  Ananda  Stand and win  Impregnate day With