THE ROUND OF ORDEALS CONQUERED C * ACT I * * AURORA AD MAJOREM REM DIVINA Or Titanic Chutzpah * Aurora Sings: "Conqueror" On the Radio Though it is raining I am on the Patio Mezzanines meet As I the gray skies greet I see Underneath The tapestry of the obvious The Colossus With clay feet Ditto. 9 Realms Upside-down 18 possibilities Bravely met * Bad is nice Bad in a fallen world Is necessary But evil is foul Said the Emissary * ACT II * The Summoning of the Heavenly Bodies * ST Michael Strengthens us To be bold For Heavenly Conquest On all the Realms * As a tune Opened cyphers of light Shuttle to Innerspace Behind the Radio Bandwidth A sacred Rune No plight * A code Leaks Though Anonymous The Stream was tight The Big Beat. The Silvery Stream Held Golden Strongholds Virgins sacred and wise * Whispered: * Let Sophia Drive * As the Veil was torn Inwards Feel Peace Be peace Keep Peace...